Tri County Home Inspection strongly recommends every home located in Southeastern Wisconsin be tested for radon prior to closing the sale. Radon is a tasteless, odorless and colorless gas that is hazardous to your health. Radon is also an easy problem to solve, provided it’s known.
We feel horrible when we test a home and it comes back with high levels of radon, unbeknownst to the current owners. If they just had a simple and affordable radon test performed before they purchased the home, the issue could have been corrected. Unfortunately, we see this every week here during Southeastern Wisconsin home inspections.
Radon is causes 21,000 lung cancer deaths each year as estimated by the EPA. In fact, the Surgeon General has warned radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today. Only cigarette smoking causes more lung cancer deaths.
Radon can get into any type of building and result in a high indoor radon level. You and your family are most likely to get the greatest exposure at home, where you spend most of your time.
Any home in Southeastern Wisconsin may have a radon issue – this means old and new homes; drafty and well-sealed homes; and homes with basements and without. Radon gas comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water so it’s largely unavoidable. Tri County Home Inspection HIGHLY encourages all of our clients to test for radon prior to sale because it’s worth it.
Tri County Home Inspection only tests for radon. We do not offer radon mitigation service, as it would be a conflict of interest for us. If we test for radon and we find levels over those accepted by the EPA, we recommend hiring a professional radon contractor certified by the state of Wisconsin.
For our radon testing service, we use a continuous radon monitor. A radon test takes between 48 and 72 hours and starts at $179, a small price for your family’s safety. Don’t let a serious problem with a simple solution go unaddressed. Call Tri County Home Inspection today to schedule a radon test for your future home.